Our manuscript on polymer recycling via heterogeneous catalysis featured as the cover of Journal of Physical Chemistry A in May 2022. |
Prof. Starr elected a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science & Engineering. |
Prof. Starr elected a fellow of the American Physical Society. |
Our diamond super-lattice paper highlighted in Science Perspective article and phys.org. |
Prof. Starr named a National Academies Education Fellow in the Sciences for 2015-2016. |
Our Soft Matter article on a “Crystal Clear” liquid-liquid transition named a Hot Article for November 2014. |
Paul Hanakata named a finalist for the 2014 LeRoy Apker Award for the most outstanding undergraduate research at any US institution. |
Beatrice Pazmiño awarded an nVidia Tesla K20 GPU for her presentation at the GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling Workshop. August 2013. |
Fernando Vargas-Lara awarded for his research on DNA-linked nanoparticles by Soft Matter, presented at the Boulder School on Polymers in Soft and Biological Matter. July 2012. |
Press reports from MRS News, redOrbit, ThomasNet, Medill Reports, and AZ nano feature our 2011 article Modifying Fragility and Collective Motion in Polymer Melts with Nanoparticles from Physical Review Letters |
Chia Wei (Wade) Hsu awarded the 2010 LeRoy Apker Award for the most outstanding undergraduate research at any US institution. |
Polymer cover, volume 51, issue 15 (July 2010) featuring our article Current issues in research on structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposites |
Macromolecules cover, volume 43, issue 7 (April 2010) featuring our article Morphology and Transport Properties of Two-Dimensional Sheet Polymers |
Image featured in in “Water Molecules, Unite!”, Physical Review Focus 19, story 19 (June 2007). |
Cover of the book Soft Materials: Structure and Dynamics featuring our chapter Science and Engineering of Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites: Insights from Computer Simulation |
Image featured in in “Supercooled and Glassy Water”, Physics Today (2003). |
Image featured in Nature News and Views, “Water structure: Order and oddities” (2001). |
MRS Bulletin cover, volume 24, Issue 5 (May 1999) featuring our simulation image |